Franca Mancinelli

/Italy, 1981
Franca Mancinelli

Franca Mancinelli (Italy, 1981) has published two books of poetry, Mala kruna (2007) and Pasta madre (2013). Her texts are included in several anthologies. She contributes as a critic to «Poesia» and other literary journal and reviews. She is an editor for the literary review «Smerilliana», the poetry almanac «Argo – annuario di poesia», and the literary blog and publishing project “Interno Poesia”. Her texts have been translated into Spanish, English, Slovenian, Arabic, Chinese. She is currently working on a book of short prose, Tasche finte (Fake pockets) and she is collaborating in a project with the Artist Sebastiano Guerrera. 


“I worked with death / «ho lavorato con la morte

winded for days / col fiato tagliato da giorni

like poisonous red ants / come formiche rosse velenose

With the constancy of insects / con la costanza degli insetti

I slept on a page every white / dormivo su una pagina ogni notte

The air was inert / Era inerte l’aria

I was a house inhabited by wild plants / Ero una casa abitata da piante infestanti

An arrow not from any hunt / freccia di nessuna caccia

Its roots rise out of the ground / Ha le radici fuori della terra

I started to stoop / Ho iniziato a curvarmi

I wrote what I wanted to tell you / ho scritto quello che volevo dirti

I’ve stopped holding up the walls, / ho smesso di reggere i muri

I have seen the eyes of the trees / Ho visto gli occhi degli alberi

In the garden the grown ups’ cars remain unlocked / In giardino le auto dei grandi restano aperte

The elderly woman / L’anziana

the roommate of disemboweled / la coinquilina di sventrati

The earth, a dark page: / La terra, una pagina scura:

the ants in stagnant blood / le formiche del sangue fermo

The uncomplete phrases remain ruined / Le frasi non compiute restano ruderi

he pruned me much / lui mi potato tanto

In the garden, near the brick well / Nel giardino, vicino al pozzo di mattoni

I see inside the gangrene opened / nella cancrena aperta con i gesti

you don’t distinguish a nest / non distingui un nido

Growing every day / ogni giorno crescere

she dangles her burnt feet in space / penzola a vuoto a un lato del letto

When you can / Quando tornerai

what I am is a window / quello che sono è una finestra

These creatures / Queste creature

they wash out the perimeters. From here / sbiadiscono i perimetri. Da qui

I immerse myself again in the good / torno a immergermi nel corpo

towards the last embers / verso l’ultima brace