Sergej Harlamov

/Slovenia, 1989
Sergej Harlamov

Sergej Harlamov (1989, Slovenia) is a poet, sociologist, literary comparatist, literary critic and publicist. In 2011, he was invited to the Pranger Poetry Festival as the winner of the Urška Youth Literature Festival, and the same year saw the release the poet's debut collection Jedci. He was nominated for the Jenko Prize for his second poetry collection, Mnogoboj mitologij (2019), which is included in the Ten books from Slovenia bulletin as one of the most noteworthy works published in 2019. In the meantime, he released a test sample of experimental, concrete-abstract poetry Hypomnemata (2017) as part of the Ignor Festival, and collaborated with jazz musician Žan Tetičkovič on the album The port of life (2016), for which he contributed poems in prose.


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