Azad Ziya Eren

Azad Ziya Eren

Azad Ziya Eren (1976, Turkey), Armenian-Kurdish poet and essayist. In 2009 he received the Metin Altıok poetry award for poetry books Ars Requiem and Hallway of abandonment (Bırakılma Koridoru). Besides writing poetry he is also writing essays on art and culture. Eren regularly participates in international conferences and poetry festivals. He was also a resident of multiple European artistic programs. His photographic exhibition “Le Tour de France en 80 Jours"  and art exhibition "La Nudité et la Poésie" were presented in Turkey and France. His works have been translated into French, English, German, Kurdish, Arab, Syrian and Armenian language.


/ His Taş’ı

/ Vaat Öncesi Taş’ı

/ Vaat Taş’ı