Gábor Schein

Gábor Schein

(Hungary), born in 1969. He graduated
in Hungarian and German and works
as associate professor of Hungarian literature
at the Eötvös Lóránd University
in Budapest. He is the author of several
books of poetry, among others Szavak
emlékezete (Words’ Memory, 1991),
Cave canem (1993), Irijám és Jonibe
(Iriyam and Jonibe, 1997) and short
novels Mordecháj könyve (The Book
of Mordechai, 2002), Lázár! (Lazarus!,
2004). He has won numerous literary
prizes, among others the Radnóti Prize,
the Szép Ernó Prize and the József Attila


/ (a folyó ábrái)

/ (a wormsi zsidó temetőben)

/ (árnyék)

/ (kései ráadás)

/ (közömbös dolgok)

/ (retus)