Gaetano Longo

Gaetano Longo

(Italia) was born in Trieste in 1964. He is
poet, novelist, translator and journalist.
He was war-jornalist in Jugoslavia and
South and Central America. He published
three anthology of cuban poetry
and about twenty books of poets from
Spain and South America.
He published the books of poems Lo
Scacco Matto (1990), Atmosfera di
Tatuaggio(1994), Diario di un Pagano
(1997), Paesaggi senza ritorno (1999),
Antologia di deliri e meraviglie (2001)
and Graffiti (2001), and the novel
Libero. Storie di un oste triestino (1999).
His poems are translated in rewev and
anthologies in english, french, german,
spanish, portugues, greek, macedonian,
serbian and croatian, japanese, maltes,
catalan, and in book Juegos de equilibrio
(Argentina, 1989), Saednicki Mesta
(Macedonia, 1994), Elektricne Corbe
Blus (Jugoslavia, 1996), Estudio sobre
las metamorfosis (2001). He is the Director of the International
Poetry Prize and of the poetry festival of


/ Ben vale la pena

/ Dietro le quinte

/ Il mago

/ Peccato originale

/ Responsabilita’ minime