Jan Baeke

/The Netherlands
Jan Baeke

Jan Baeke (1956, Netherlands), poet, translator, editor and programmer. In 1997 he published his first collection of poetry, entitled Nooit zonder de paarden (Never without the horses). His fourth collection, Groter dan de feiten (Larger than the facts), published in 2007, was nominated for the VSB Poetry Prize, the most prestigious poetry prize in the Netherlands. His latest collection, Het tankstation langs de route (The Gas Station along the Route), was released in 2013. His work is published by De Bezige Bij, the largest literary publishing house in the Netherlands.


The channel of the north / De schaar van de noord


No objection, no sound either / Geen bezwaar, ook geen geluid

I made him up / Ik heb hem bedacht


Written down / Opgeschreven

Mood exchange rate / Stemmingswisselkoers

Working at love / Werk aan de liefde