Jouni Inkala

Jouni Inkala

(Finland), born in 1966 in Kemi. He
studied philosophy and literature in
Oulu and Helsinki. After his studies he
taught between 1991-1994 literature in
Helsinki University. After this he has
been a freelance writer. Jouni Inkala has
published five collections of poetry:
Tässä sen reuna (Here is its edge, 1992),
Huonetta ja sukua (House and Family,
1994), Pyhien seura (The Company of
Saints, 1996), Sille joka jää (For the One
who remains, 1998), Autiomaaretki
(Expedition in Wasteland, 2000). His
poetry has been translated in various
anthologies and literary magazines.
Together with poet Juha Siro he has
edited the yearbook of poetry:
MotMot – yearbook of Living Poet´s
Club 2001. His next collection of poetry
will appear in autumn 2002.


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