Lee Ann Brown

/United States of America
Lee Ann Brown

(USA) Born on November 10th 1963. She
is the author of Polyverse (Sun & Moon
Press) and the winner of the New
American Poetry Prize. She has a book
forthcoming The sleep that changed
everything. She is the editor and publisher
of Tender Buttons press which
publishes experimental poetry and was
recently the winner of the Firecracker
Award for innovative publishing. She
teaches at St. John’s University in New
York City. Her poety is publishing in
Reviews, The Washington Post,
Publisher Weekly, American Book
Review, The Poetry Project Newsletter,
The Village Voice, Rhizome, Rain taxi,
Shark and Jacker Magazine (Australija).


/ 3 graces

/ Animal planet

/ Discourse

/ Pledge

/ Poetry

/ Quantum sonnet

/ Short talk on revenants

/ Sonnet around stephanie