Mariusz Grzebalski

Mariusz Grzebalski

(Poland), born in 1969 in Łódż.
Graduate of Philosophy Department at
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Author of the collected poems: Negatyw
(Negative, 1994), Ulica gnostycka
(Gnostic Street , 1997), Sights (1998),
Drugie dotknięcie (Second Touch,
2001), Graffiti (2001). Iłłakowiczówna
Poetic prize winner for the best poetic
debut of the year (Negative) and Polish
Association of Book Publishers prize
winner (Gnostic Street). Presently, there
have been made the arrangements to bring out his series of stories Coins as
well as a novel called Days. Formerly,
editor-in-chief of the Polish Literary
Weekly Magazine Nowy Nurt. His
poems were henceforth translated and
published in English, German, Czech
and Slovene.


/ Ciąg dalszy

/ Dwie kobiety

/ Graffiti

/ Nieznajomi z pociągu

/ Początek

/ Potem

/ Przypis

/ Rzeźnia

/ Widok z podwórka od żydków