Markku Paasonen

Markku Paasonen

(Finland), born in 1967. He was editorin-
chief of the literary journal Nuori Voima, now he is a teacher of creative
writing and he writes critique for
Helsingin Sanomat. He is author of
four books of poetry, Aurinkopunos
(Solar Plexus, 1997), Verkko (Net, 1999),
Voittokulku (The Triumphal March,
2001) and Lauluja mereen uponneista
kaupungeista (Songs of Submerged
Cities, 2005). Paasonen lives in Helsinki.


/ Äiti viemäri

/ Kirja

/ Kone

/ Meren vapaus

/ Rangaistus

/ Vapaus

/ Voisin kertoa