Mateja Bizjak Petit

Mateja Bizjak Petit

(1969) lived in Ljubljana until 1992, where she studied dramaturgy. Her great passion is puppets that she first encountered at the age of eleven. In 1992, she moved to France, where she continued her puppet training. Although she lives in France, she stayed true to her mother tongue. In 2005 she published her first poetry collection Le ti (Only You). In 2009 she published her second collection of bilingual poems Alica s tisoč rokami / Alice aux mille bras


Corvus of mother's wings / Corvus materinih kril

I / I

Ii / Ii

Iii / Iii

Iv / Iv

Ix / Ix

Mobile / Mobile

Suddenly or on the brink of abysm / Nenadoma ali na robu prepada

V / V

Vi / Vi

Vii / Vii

Viii / Viii

Dormant felicity's wax / Vosek speče sreče

X / X