Matthew Zapruder

/United States of America
Matthew Zapruder

(USA) Matthew Zapruder was born in
1967 in Washington, D.C. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Russian Literature
from Amherst College, a Master of Arts
in Slavic Languages and Literatures from
University of California at Berkeley, and
a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from the
University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
where he studied with James Tate, Dara
Wier and Agha Shahid Ali. He has published
essays, reviews, translations and
poems widely in America, Australia, and
the UK. His first book of poems,
American Linden, will be published by
Slope Editions in the Spring of 2002; his
translation (with Radu Ioanid) of Secret
Weapon, the final book of poems by
Romanian poet Eugen Jebeleanu, will
be published in Spring 2002 by Verse
Press. Currently, he is the Editor in Chief
of Verse Press, and plays lead guitar for
The Figments, who have just released
their second record, All The Gone Days.
He lives in Easthampton, Massachusetts.


/ Colors

/ The book of leaves

/ What exists