Oleksander Irvanec

Oleksander Irvanec

(1961) worked as a teacher, served in the army and then started working as a journalist. Now he is a research worker in the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies. Together with Juri Andrukhovych and Victor Neborak they founded a poetic group “Bu-Ba-Bu” (“burlesque-dancer-extravaganza) in spring, 1985. His first collection of poems was published in 1987. Today he is the author of over 20 books. Aleksandr translates into Ukrainian – from Polish, Russian and Byelorussian. He was a grant holder of numerous foundations in Germany, Poland, Austria, Latvia and the USA.


/ 2009

/ Eine kleine nachtmusik

/ Багатообіцяюча пісенька

Two unexpected vers libres / Два нежданих верлібри

/ З циклу “midlife crisis”

/ Колізей

A short poem about the end of the world / Короткий вірш про кінець світу

My cross / Мій хрест

/ Пейзаж з вікна казарми

/ Тобі