Primož Repar

Primož Repar

(Slovenia), born in 1967 in Ljubljana. He
is the chief editor of cultural magazine
"Apokalipsa", translator and author of
essays. So far he is the only Slovenian,
who has translated works of Soeren
Kirkegaard directly from the original.
Primož lives as a free artist in Dolenjske
toplice. Poetry collections: : Križ in
kladivo (Cross and Hammer) (1991),
Onkraj sveta je krhka pajčevina (There
Is a Tiny Web Beyond the World)
(1994), Molitvenik (Book of Prayers)
(1995), Mors barbariorum (1996),
Alkimija srčnega utripa (The Alchemy of
Heartbeat) (1998).


Starfish / Morska zvezda

Beyond the world is a fragile spider’s web / Onkraj sveta je krhka pajčevina

Call yourself into a bind / Poklicati se v privezanost

Entrusting yourself to abandonment / Zaupati se prepustitvi