Sujata Bhatt

Sujata Bhatt

(India) Born in Ahmedabad in 1956. She
is a graduate of the Writers' Workshop,
University of Iowa and now lives in
Germany with her husband and daughter.
Carcanet publish her first five collections,
Brunizem (Alice Hunt Bartlett
Prize, Commonwealth Poetry Prize,
1988), Monkey Shadows (Poetry Book
Society Recommendation, 1991), The
Stinking Rose (1995), Augatora (Poetry
Book Society Recommendation, 2000)
and A Colour for Solitude (2002). Her
poems have been widely anthologised
and have been translated into more
than a dozen languages. She received a
Cholmondeley Award in 1991 and the
Italian Tratti Poetry Prize in 2000.


/ Coffee

/ Only the blackest stones