Tomislav Vrečar

Tomislav Vrečar

(Slovenia), born in 1976. He lives and works
in Ljubljana, where he takes on multimedia
events, telephone sales of cook books, painting,
translating and bare survival. He has
published four books of poetry, the latest
two are titled Ko se mi vse ponuja, se meni
skuja (2003) and Naj me koklja brcne, potem
bom pa še jaz njo (2004). He is one of the
authors of poetry and music on the CD
Košček hrupa in ščepec soli.


/ Komur poklonim življenje, poklonim smrt

Nice weather outside / Lepo vreme je zunaj

Pavese in the eyes / Pavese v očeh

Desert father / Puščavnik

Text message / Sms