Valerij Kupka

Valerij Kupka

(Slovakia), born in 1962, in Khomut, Ukraine.Since 1978 he has lived in Slovakia.He is an Associate Professor of Russian literature at the Faculty of Arts, University of Presov. He is the author of five books of poetry: Nestálosť (Instability, 1994), Skomorošina (1996), Mucha v uchu (A Fly in an Ear, 1997), Líza tichšia ako kláštor (Lisa Quieter than a Nunnery, 2000) and Dom bez svetla (An Unlit House, 2004). He translates from Russian (e.g. G. Aigui, A. Goldstein, S. Dovlatov, D. Kharms, A. Vvedensky, I. Ilf – J. Petrov, F. M. Dostoyevsky) and Ukrainian (J. Andrukhovych). He also works for the Alexander Duchnovich Theatre in Presov, the theatre of a Ruthenian minority, as a stage manager and translator. He organises various cultural events (literary salons, exhibitions).


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