Zmicier Vishniou

Zmicier Vishniou

(Belarus), born in 1973 in Debrecen,
Hungary. He is a poet, writer, artist, performer,
journalist and co-founder of the first
Belarusian Avantgarde movement Bum-Bam-
Lit (1995-1998). He is a member of the artist
group Schmercwerk, author of several books
of poetry and prose, editor and publisher of
the magazine Teksty. In 2006, he was writer
in residence at Literarisches Colloquium in
Berlin and in the art-house Tacheles in
Berlin. He lives in Minsk.


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/ Гематома галавы

/ Гематома галавы № 2

/ Піўное дзіця

/ Прызнанні паляўнічага

/ Рымскія стадыёны