Andreas Unterweger

Andreas Unterweger

(Austria), born in 1978. He publishes short stories and poems in Manuskripte and other Austrian literary periodicals and is currently completing his first novel Wie im Siebenten. In 2004, he finished his studies of German Philology and co-edited a compilation of W. Bauer’s works in 2007. Among other literary awards he received Literaturpreis der Akademie Graz. Unterweger is also a member of the band Ratlos.


/ Autobahn-vignette, 16.06.08

/ Das tankstellendach bot schutz

/ Die dunklen wälder

/ Hinterland

/ Ich schreibe wieder einmal

/ Indian summer

/ Jetzt, hier

/ Palaia, 04.04.08

/ Vegetativer anfall