Goran Čolakhodžić

/Croatia, 1990
Goran Čolakhodžić

Goran Čolakhodžić (1990, Croatia), a poet and translator. In 2015, his then-unpublished volume Na kraju taj vrt (In the End the Garden) won the Croatian poetry debut prize Goran for Young Poets and later the Macedonian International Bridges of Struga Award for best poetry debut in 2017. He is assistant editor of the Croatian BEK (Free Electronic Books) Internet library and a member of the Goranovo proljeće (Goran’s Spring) Poetry Festival organising committee. His second book of poetry, Pred gradom su kosci (Reapers Are Outside the City, 2018), pursues dystopian and existentialist subjects building on his first book.


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The Hunt / Lov

Ministry of Defence / Ministarstvo obrane

Redshift (I) / Pomak prema crvenom (I)

Before Cartography / Prije kartografije