Nina Dragičević

/Slovenia, 1984
Nina Dragičević

Nina Dragičević (1984, Slovenija) is a poet and essayist, with a PhD in sociology. Her books include Kdo ima druge skrbi (»Who Has Other Worries?«, 2014), Slavne neznane (»Famous Unknowns«, 2016), Med njima je glasba (»The Music Between Them«, 2017), Ljubav reče greva (»Love Says Let’s Go«, 2019), To telo, pokončno (»This Body, Upright«, 2021), Kako zveni oblast (»What Does Authority Sound Like«, 2022), Ampak, kdo? (»But Who?«, 2023) in Auditory Poverty and its Discontents (2024). For her work Dragičević received the Vitez Poezije Award and was a finalist for the Palma Ars Acustica Award (both in 2018), the Župančič Award (2020), the Jenko Award (2021), and she was awarded the Werner Düttmann Fellowship by the Berlin Academy of Arts (2023).