Weather Station

25. August/Tuesday/ 10:00

Center of Free-time Activities Ptuj, Ptuj


What are the ideal temperature and humidity for a person in a closed space? Why are exactly these the right amounts? How can we control the temperature and humidity? Can we do this by ourselves or do we need technological assistance?
All these questions will be answered in this year’s workshop. We will also configure our own weather station that will tell us when it is too warm or too cold, when the air is to dry or too humid and when the air and the temperature are just right.

To take part in the workshop you must sign up on the CID Ptuj website:

These workshops, which are a part of the KONS Project, for children and adolescents present a series of inspiring and exciting discoveries, learning and creativity. We set them up to better understand cutting-edge breakthroughs in the world of science and new technologies and use research to think about their meaning for the individual and for society.


* Idea and implementation: project konS

** In cooperation with the Ptuj Center of Free-time Activities 


The konS project - Platform for Contemporary Research Arts was selected in a public tender for the selection of operations "Network of Research Arts and Culture Centers". The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.