Aleš Mustar

Aleš Mustar

(Slovenia), born in 1968. He is a poet and
translator. He graduated in English Language
and Literature from the University of
Ljubljana and took his Ph.D. in Romanian
Contemporary Literature at the University of
Bucharest. He has published his poetry in
the most important Slovenian literary
reviews. He has published one book of poetry,
U(sodno) tolmačenje (Court(eous) interpretations,
2005). His poems have been
translated into English, Macedonian,
Romanian, Czech and Polish. He is a translator
from Romanian and Macedonian.


The day of the dead / Dan mrtvih

Depression / Depresija

At the red snake / Pri rdeči kači

Happy birthday to me / Vse najboljše zame

Crime and punishment / Zločin in kazen