4. November 2020

The Best Poem Competition

The Days of Poetry and Wine festival is announcing an online competition for the best poem.

The deadline for submissions is 30 November 2020.

The 10 best poems will be posted on December 10 on Days of Poetry and Wine Facebook profile. The winner who will receive the most likes will be announced on December 16, 2020 on www.stihoteka.com and the Facebook profile of the festival. The main prize for the winner is 3 books and a guest appearance at the festival in 2021.

The author may participate with a maximum of two poems, which should be original, unpublished and written in the Slovenian language. Poems should be typed in Arial font, with a font size of 12 and a line spacing of 1.5. The length of the poem should not exceed 35 verses or 1 author's page if the poem is in prose. Texts that do not meet all of the above criteria will be excluded. We only accept poems in electronic form in pdf format.

Submit the poem via the web address beletrina.si/najpesem, where you will enter your personal and contact information in the boxes: name, surname, postal address, telephone, e-mail address and pseudonym, under which we will forward the poems to the expert committee.

The expert committee will select ten best poems which will be published on the Days of Poetry and Wine Facebook profile. The winning poem will be the one that will receive the most likes. The committee reserves the right not to select a winner.

You are kindly invited to participate!